Radio frequency skin tightening is an increasingly popular, non-invasive, non-ablative rejuvenation treatment for toning and firming skin. It can improve collagen production, leaving your skin feeling plumper as well as firmer. As a safe and effective anti-aging treatment, radio frequency skin tightening is used to treat sagging arms, lines and wrinkles, fat around the neck, dark eye circles and some forms of acne scarring.
Radio frequency is safe for all skin types, including darker skins. Is is pain-free and has little or no downtime. Rollback to the time you had a more youthful look. Excess cellulite in women and unwanted body fat in both women and men can be helped with radio frequency. Your skin will appear more springy, elastic, rejuvenated and revitalized after several treatments. You can use this advanced technique on your face, jowls, thighs, arms ,abdomen and anywhere else you.